We’re glad to be here! The only representative from South East Asia at the Water Environment Federation’s 94th Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC) in Chicago, U.S.

Our Chief Executive (Group) PDT, YB Dato’ Ramlee A Rahman has been invited for WiSE Program Panel Talk on: “Public, Private or Hybrid: Models of Success for Water utilities in a Changing World”. This session has discuss the benefits and challenges of different water utility business models as they seek to meet the challenges of Covid-19, climate change and urbanisation. 

Representative are also Mr David Gadis (CEO DC Water, Washington D.C), Mr. John Trofatter (WEF Board Member) and Mr Chris Rich (Executive Director, U.S Water Partnership).

The conference was also attended by the Chief Executive Officer, Johor Special Water, Haji Zulkiflee Abas; Director of Badan Kawalselia Air Johor (BAKAJ), Haji Mohd Riduan Md. Ali; PDT’s Deputy President of Corporate and Finance, Dzulkifly Hassan; PDT’s Deputy President of Research & Project Monitoring, Azman Jaafar and Haji Isa Abu Bakar, Project Director from Syarikat Air Johor Sdn. Bhd. (SAJSB).