We bring a private sector perspective to public asset stewardship, transactions and corporate approaches in the state interest that is not otherwise readily available inside government.

Our people are skilled, experienced professionals drawn from private sectors and the civil services.

Together, we work on some of the most complex and demanding tasks across state government – promoting good governance of publicly owned businesses, supporting state government’s private sector participations and delivering orderly transactions that generate value for money.

As the boundary between the public and private sectors is increasingly in focus, we provide the clarity of approaches and solutions that inform and translate the state government’s policy decisions into effective outcomes.

Permodalan Darul Ta’zim (PDT) began operating on 16 December 1994 as  a state investment holding company.

PDT overarching role is driving equity holdings in various strategic investments and state initiatives that promotes competition. We are involved in sectors such as plantation, utilities, leisure & tourism, property development and oil & gas services amongst others. Our listed portfolio includes Ranhill Utilities Berhad.

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